Silmaril Awards 2018 Wisest Counselor: Voting!

The time has come! *cue Gandalf fireworks*

It’s time to vote on the second round of the Silmaril Awards!

Silmaril Awards: Top 5 Wisest Counselor Nominees

There were so many amazing wise counselor characters from fantasy nominated this year (you can see them all in the comments-section), but in the end, only five could progress to the voting stage.

The top five mentor characters nominated for the Wisest Counselor Silmaril are…

Halt (Ranger’s Apprentice series by John Flanagan)

Halt is a Ranger, a master of stealth and secrets, always slipping about almost unseen in his great grey Ranger cloak. Normal people are a little afraid of him, and he seems grim and mysterious at times, but also has a dry sense of humor and an unexpected snarkiness mixed in with his seeming grouchy unapproachableness. He always seems to have some sort of private joke, disguised enough that you sometimes don’t even realize he’s having fun. Despite his powerful presence and quiet strength, he’s unexpectedly short (a slight sore spot, since it means people don’t always believe he’s the famous Ranger Halt). Well respected among the Rangers, he makes the perfect mentor to young Will, and I doubt if there are many readers of this series who wouldn’t want to be Halt’s apprentice. 😉

Rayad (The Ilyon Chronicles by Jaye L. Knight)

Rayad is an older Arcacian man wanted by the emperor for being a rebel. He is the father figure and mentor to a young ex-gladiator-slave. At this youngster’s darkest moments, Rayad is there to offer advice, hope, and words of comfort and wisdom. He can be a bit gruff at times, but is kind, thoughtful, and knows where the Light comes from. He is also a member of the main council of the Resistance.

Prince Aethalbald (Tales of Goldstone Wood series by Anne Elisabeth Stengl)

Aethelbald at first glance seems to be an entirely ordinary, uninteresting young man with brown hair and earnest dark eyes. He’s far more than he seems, of course, being in fact the ageless Prince of Farthestshore. There is none kinder or wiser, or more full of quiet, knowing power, in all the lands Near, Far, or the Wood Between. But he can also be simply a good friend with a sense of humor and a simple word you need to hear — or perhaps a Wood Thrush’s song…

Professor Digory Kirke (Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis)

Professor Kirke is a delightful old gentleman with shaggy white hair and a beard, who lives in a very old, strange house in the country — with a certain magical wardrobe. Having experienced going to Narnia in his youth, he’s the perfect wise counselor for the Pevensie children — he understands them and believes their story. He’s very knowledgeable about many things, including other worlds, time, and logic, and always has a wise thing to say, even though he won’t say more than he needs to. He’s someone who you can seek counsel from, confide your secrets and adventures to; he won’t laugh at you, but will give you advice about how to recognize those who have had similar adventures, and deal with those who haven’t. Professor Kirke is the adult who can be trusted because he listens and understands, and is just the right person to tell you what you need to know if you don’t know it yet — because “Bless me, what do they teach them at these schools?”

Puddleglum (The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis)

I shouldn’t wonder if everyone already knows this most famous of Marshwiggles (especially since he won the Silmaril for Strangest Character in 2016) so the bright side of it is, perhaps he needs no introduction. You may find him making eel stew or predicting rain or the worst possible things to happen, but despite his apparent pessimism, he can sometimes be a wise counselor. He’s famous for “making the best of it,” and he’ll often have a wise word when you least expect it. He’s good at sticking to things and reminding you about what’s important.

To read all about the top five characters in the other categories, you can visit the rest of the host blogs:

Silmaril Awards Voting Form (voting is open Sept. 10 – 14)

Go forth and vote on your favorite mentor (which you’ll find at the end of the ballot) and your favorite character from each of the other 9 categories!

*********CLICK HERE to vote!**********

We’ll be posting the winners later on our various blogs, from September 17 to 28.

You can also visit the Silmaril Awards website at

And may the best characters win!


ALSO! Check back here tomorrow (Tuesday), because (spoiler alert) it’s going to be my 5-year blogiversary and I’m going to have a giveaway of bookses (Preciousss…) aaand, speaking of Silmarils, one of the items will be a Tolkien-related book, so you don’t want to miss this. 😉

Which of these mentors are you most excited about? Is it going to be so hard to pick? (AAHH!) Are you excited to find out who wins? 😀 Drop all your Silmaril Awards thoughts below!

And thanks so much, everyone, for all your great nominations and seconds! We couldn’t do this without you. ❤

23 thoughts on “Silmaril Awards 2018 Wisest Counselor: Voting!

  1. Pingback: The 2018 Silmaril Awards: Vote for the Most Nefarious Villain! – Kyle Robert Shultz

  2. Pingback: Jenelle Schmidt Silmaril Awards Voting Round Least Competent Henchman

  3. Pingback: The 2018 Silmaril Awards: Vote for the Strangest Character in Fantasy | Zachary Totah

  4. I really felt like this year’s nominees on the ballot were the hardest to choose between so far! Partially because there are only a few I’m not familiar with, and the ones I do know are ALL favorites! *bites nails* I don’t even know who I’m ROOTING for anymore!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I am currently unreasonably annoyed by how Narnia inevitably takes over every section of the ballot. And, like, I shouldn’t be annoyed, because I love Narnia — but I also love a lot of other characters and series that aren’t being represented.

    (Ok, maybe I’m just upset that none of my Cosmere characters made it onto the ballot. That could also be it.)

    I am excited for the blog festivities tomorrow, though!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. RAYAD? AETHELBALD? DIGORY? PUDDLEGLUM????? How am I going to choooose! And I think Halt is awesome too even though I’ve only ever read the first book ages ago. But ACK. They’re all deserving of this award!

    I honestly don’t know how I’m going to choose in ALL the categories. This may be the hardest year to vote yet. ALL THE AMAZING CHARACTERS. *flails*

    (P.S. Can’t wait for tomorrow’s celebrations!)

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: 5 Year BLOGIVERSARY + Giveaway! | The Road of a Writer

  8. This is the hardest year yet. I think the only EASY ones are Dragons and Silver Tongue, because there’s only one character that I actually know in those. The rest are MASSIVELY difficult.

    Plus, the decision-making is even harder, because I’m now a little worried this will be the last year I can vote for the Narnia characters. I almost feel like I should vote for them, because I might not be able to again. But then if I do, it’ll probably make the Silmaril High Council think that these characters are getting way too many votes, and remove them from the awards for sure.

    Maybe I’m just way overthinking this. But I don’t know what to DO!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, firstly, it’s only in these comments that it’s being rumored about the no-future-Narnians thing and I highly suspect it won’t actually happen, because everyone loves Narnia. XD So don’t worry on that count, love! I agree though that it’s suuuper hard to pick this year! I hope you can decide! But it’s all in fun, so just… vote for whoever you love or feel like should have a chance at winning this thing. There’s no “wrong” answer. ^_^ And thanks for participating! ❤


  9. Ack! This might be the hardest category for me to chose! With the exception of Rayad, whom I haven’t met yet, all of these mentors are ones I dearly love. And I have to pick just ONE? XD

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Pingback: 2018 Silmaril Awards voting -

  11. Pingback: 2019 Silmaril Awards voting -

  12. Pingback: SilmAwards Voting Round – Most Magnificent Dragon – Tracey Dyck

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