My Life’s Tower of Fantasy

Here at the end of all things, Samwise Gamgee the end of the second Silmarillion Awards, wherein we celebrate all things fantasy, Tolkien, and favorite characters, I have a bit to say about these things and their importance to me in my life so far.

So today, the 63rd birthday of The Fellowship of the Ring’s publication, seemed a good time to do so.

*distant cries of “Happy birthday!” and Bilbo saying (un?)complimentary things concerning knowing people half as well as he should like etc.*

*also birthday cake for one and all*

*and 63 still-burning candles to feed to your dragon*

(You’re welcome. I hope he likes wax.)


The following is a somewhat lengthy post that is more of an essay than many posts I’ve written (don’t worry, it’s broken into segments with handy headers, so you might survive), and contains such things as Middle-earth, Diana Wynne Jones, Prydain, Stephen Lawhead, epic heroines, tower metaphors, nostalgia of some books/series that have shaped me, and how wonderful and life-changing Fantasy can be.

If this does not sound like your cup of tea, turn around and flee — for here in the realm of Faerie and Fantasy, truths are hidden behind every tree, characters are noble as can be, fancy runs free, and here . . . there be dragons.

On The Silmarillion

This month, using the Silmarillion Awards as a much-needed excuse, as I was re-reading The Silmarillion for the first time in many years, it startled me how much it felt like coming home. I used to read that book (as well as The Lord of the Rings, etc.) a lot when I was younger and just discovering the amazing worlds of Middle-earth. I lived in Middle-earth and The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, but I lived in Beleriand in The Silmarillion too, and in a sense that was more “mine” since fewer people were into it than LOTR. The Silmarillion and surrounding mythology was like my special world that I went to live in, learning to write the Tengwar Elvish alphabet in calligraphy, studying maps, creating family trees of all the characters I knew by name…

It’s been a lovely journey, returning there and meeting these long-lost friends in this place I’ve been absent from far too long. I’m also bringing more to it now at a slightly older age, which has been fascinating. I’m aware The Silmarillion might not be for everyone, but it’s extremely special to me. I met it at a younger age and was so immersed in it that I knew all the names so well that returning was like going home and meeting old friends.

On The Tower of Fantasy

I’ve been thinking about the impact Tolkien’s works and other beloved works of fantasy have had on my life. Looking back, I can trace a few books and series that stand out as those important, life-changing, core-of-your-being books that I believe everyone (or all bookworms, at least) have. Those ones that are so much a part of you that, consciously or unconsciously, you are changed by them and they inform much of who you are and what your life is, your tastes in fiction (and in writing, if you’re a writer like me), and form a core part of your heart. They are different through the years, and that’s how I measure parts of my life (about three or four of them so far, I think) — by what was the most ME books I was reading or loving or living at the time.

Imagine your life is a tower that you are slowly building as the years go on. I see those books as the building blocks of the tower of my own life, the stones of my foundations (or at least, for the purposes of this post, the foundation for my love of fantasy in both reading and writing, which is what I’m here to talk about) that come and go in a way as I gain new interests, so that sometimes it feels like betrayal . . . How could you move on? But I can always go back down the winding stairs of the tower and visit them again, and they’ll always be a part of me. They all inform who I am, and what my reading taste is, and how I think, and what I want to be and do, and most especially (for this writer) what I write as well.

I can see blocks of time in this Fantasy Tower of my life.

Level One: Prydain and MacDonald

It started with George MacDonald’s The Princess and the Goblin, and Lloyd Alexander’s Prydain Chronicles. I don’t know which were first, I only know, looking back, that they were very early and, I believe, introduced me to Fantasy. Those are at the base of the tower; they were the first, and I read them and was enchanted. I LIVED in those worlds, and I loved those stories and characters so much. I still do, as with all of these. I’m afraid some of my earliest writings bore an uncanny resemblance to both those works, but we all start somewhere, yes? 😉

So, first was my beginning years of loving fantasy, with MacDonald and Prydain. (I believe Narnia came in somewhere around there a little after, and other works of Fantasy, though I don’t know how extreme their influence was.) That’s the first layer of stones at the base of the tower of Fantasy. They’re awhile ago from when I was younger and wasn’t aware of my tower, so it’s a little jumbled and vague, hidden in mists near the ground, and more instinctive than my deeper understanding of the later portions as I grew older, as I look back and remember better.

(Do you know why it’s called “in the mists of time”? Because YOU CAN’T SEE VERY WELL INTO IT. Ahem. Foggy memories… *shakes head*)

Level Two: Tolkien

The next really big thing, which is the largest on the fantasy tower so far, was Tolkien.

I read The Hobbit at one point, and then I later read The Lord of the Rings for the first time when I was ten or so, I believe. Some writers (and readers) come to Tolkien first, as their big fantasy introduction, but for me I already had the groundwork of fantasy laid; Tolkien served to strengthen it and built the next part of the tower, and was a focus of mine for many years, my absolute favorite. As I mentioned, I was enchanted and fell in love with these books, and went on to read The Silmarillion (several times), as well as reading any other works, finished or unfinished, by Tolkien that I could get my hands on. But not only were these stories, this world, these characters and languages, epic and beautiful and beloved and some of my favorites of all time, but the author himself simply seemed . . . right.

Tolkien was a kindred soul, and I know that sounds pompous to say, but when I read his letters and thoughts, I find myself agreeing with him and thinking “Oh! Yes! I’m just like that!” on so many levels. He and I just agree so well and have such similar temperaments. I’m not saying I’m anywhere near his level of talent or genius etc., I’m merely saying that he and I click, in a way that no other author that I can currently think of who I’ve run across does.

Tolkien’s works remain the next solid layer of my Fantasy tower, a very large portion of it, and still inform so much of my life and core personality and interests today.

Level Three: Diana Wynne Jones

(also concerning strawberry icecream)

Then, in 2012, I read Howl’s Moving Castle on a highly-trusted recommendation, and discovered Diana Wynne Jones. This is the third layer of my Fantasy tower. As some who read my blogs might have noticed, I’ve been very big on DWJ for awhile now. XD I’m captivated by and addicted to her books, particularly certain ones which have just stuck with me really well. I love her writing style and the humor she always had in her books, and her quirky but charming and lovable characters, and the absolute originality of her fantasy, mashed together with other genres to make her books unpigeonholeable (not a word, but should be), as well as how I always learn things about life and the world and people when I read her works. I’ve seen a bit of an influence on my writing as well, wanting to write more whimsical and amusing things.

It’s funny: when I decided Howl’s Moving Castle shared my top-favorite spot with The Lord of the Rings, and have been very DWJ focused, I didn’t realize (until recently) this thing about the Tower of Fantasy, how I can have different stages and favorites; and because I had just come from the Tolkien stage, I felt disloyal to Middle-earth, as if loving something else as well meant that I was betraying it by not loving ONLY it.

But I’ve realized that we have different stages in our lives, and that’s okay — it doesn’t make the previous stages any LESS important or less a part of you, you’re just on a different part of your journey so different things are more important right now. It’s not a betrayal. It’s growth and continuing and layers over the core.

I’ve always thought of myself as the girl who loves Middle-earth and the color green and Celtic music and chocolate and writes medieval fantasy. That’s still at my core and I will always be that person. But lately, if I’ve been a DWJ person who loves the color blue and dabbles in Christian rock or pop and loves strawberry ice cream and writes contemporary fantasy . . . that doesn’t mean I’m not STILL that same person as before too.

Because I can love both, I can have different layers of favorites, different layers of interests, and it doesn’t mean that blue or green or chocolate or strawberry are better than each other, or that in trying other kinds of books, music, and genres, that I’m abandoning the ones I used to have. I can do all of it, and it can all be me.

This is a slight tangent, but I feel like I need to address it while on the subject of moving through different books that are your favorites at the time. It’s okay to have different favorites at different times in your life, and it’s not being disloyal. I’m saying this partly to remind myself (especially when I feel bad about not having re-read some of these favorites in several years; I still plan to sometime), and partly in case anyone is having problems with it like I have. XD

I still interchange LOTR and Howl’s Moving Castle as my “favorite” books (and let’s be honest, sometimes I put Paper Crowns by Mirriam Neal up there because I love it and it’s amazing) but hey, I can have more than one top-favorite, right? 😉

Level Four? (Bright Empires)

It’s always hard to know, while you’re currently on a part of the tower, if something you’re reading is going to be the next part or if it’s just another great fantasy work but not quite a core one. But I think and suspect that, perhaps (time will tell), my latest addition to the Fantasy Tower of my life are Stephen R. Lawhead’s works. I just read his Bright Empires series, and while (like I said) I can’t be sure whether or not they’re the next ring of building blocks for my tower, at the very least, it’s the best series I’ve read in a long time.

Definitely favorites, the Bright Empires books have expanded my mind so much, broadened my horizons, were thoroughly epic, mind-boggling, and fun, with beloved characters, and introduced me to the first heroine in a very long time who I want so hard to be, namely Mina. She inspires me so much. Plus, the books are simply masterpieces. I think very differently after reading these books, I clicked so well with them, and they were absolutely amazing.

Speaking of Mina, let’s talk about heroines for a minute, since the award I hosted was Most Epic Heroine.

Of Heroines

Heroines are hard to write, my friends. One strange thing about my personality is that I rarely come across a favorite female character. I think it’s because I’m a girl and I find that it’s harder for an author to write a girl character that I actually like, because I am one and we’re complicated, and the fictional girls often end up either too tough or too wimpy, neither of which I like. I more often am interested in the male characters, who are generally cooler and doing more interesting things. I do run up against female characters that I like sometimes, and that’s often a sign that the author is a good one.

But there have only been a handful that have stood out as my favorites, the ones who at some level I feel like are ME, and at another level I feel like are what I want to be, what I want to become, what I want to take and emulate because they are noble and good and show some part of humanity that I want to BE. They make me want to be a better person, while I also feel like I am them.

And those are basically:

  • Princess Irene from The Princess and the Goblin
  • Princess Eilonwy from the Chronicles of Prydain
  • Eowyn from The Lord of the Rings
  • Luthien Tinuviel from The Silmarillion
  • Wilhelmina “Mina” Klug from the Bright Empires series.

(I think on some level, I was Lucy from Narnia when I was younger, and many of Diana Wynne Jones’ characters have been instant connections for me, like Sophie and others, as well, though I haven’t thought as much about those for this post; likely because they’re more recent for me but not as mind-blowing as Mina was — who was the character that got me started thinking about all of this — so I haven’t thought them out as much.)

(Also, I find this a good time to mention the dedication in The High King by Lloyd Alexander, which I never understood until now: “For the boys who might have been Taran and the girls who will always be Eilonwy.“)

Of Heroism/Nobility versus Mediocrity/”Realism”

And I think it’s important to have favorite characters one can look up to, have as role models, but still feel you are like them. There’s a sort of connection there that is marvelous. Heroes tend to be more favorites of mine than heroines, and I can learn things from them as well, of course, and they’re simply awesome sometimes, so there’s that; but I can’t exactly BE them, quite the way I can be a heroine like Eilonwy or Mina.

I think these heroines stand out to me partly because it is so rare for me to find a timeless one like that. There are many other noble and wonderful heroines I’ve liked over time, don’t get me wrong! Some even other favorites. But these are my FAVORITE favorites, the ones I want to be like. 🙂

And that’s part of why I’m tired of this “make them relatable and ‘realistic’ by giving them flaws and making them fallen and ordinary” trend in modern writing.


I don’t want mediocre Main Characters. I want Epic Heroines.

If your favorite characters are mediocre, you’ll only want to be mediocre, you’ll only believe that’s how far you can go.

If, on the other hand, your favorite characters are noble and epic and extraordinary, then you’ll want to rise above your ordinary and mediocre, fallen and flawed life, and try to emulate them, to BE them; and these fictional characters who aren’t “real” can change your life and make you a better person. All by being fantastic characters. What’s not to love?

Things These Core Books Have In Common

What do all these books and series have in common? They are Fantasy, yes. But they each hold things that truly resonated with me — not just one thing but all the elements and the whole.

I love the stories. I love the worlds. I love the characters — not only the heroes, not only the heroines, but both, as well as the entire cast of characters, really. They have favorite heroes. I want to be the heroines. I want to live in the books.

“The typical expression of opening Friendship would be something like, ‘What? You too? I thought I was the only one.'”

(from The Four Loves by C.S. Lewis)

I also “click” with the authors — when I read things that these authors like Alexander, Tolkien, Jones, and Lawhead say (in fiction and nonfiction) I’ve had these wonderful “me too!” moments, those times when, like in the C.S. Lewis quote above, you form a friendship from a shared thought or feeling. We share the same truth. I feel like they’re kindred souls, and suspect that’s one of the reasons I love their fiction so much. (It’s interesting: when I love an author’s fiction work enough to try out their nonfiction, that’s when I discover my favorite works of nonfiction, essays, etc. It’s happened so many times with these and a couple other authors.)

And I learned things from these favorite, core books. Yes, shocking as it may sound to some, these fiction books, these works of *gasp* fantasy, have taught me so many things that, as I think about it, my mind boggles and I can’t even begin to explain all the things I’ve learned from these wonderful works of literature and art. (I did do a post about a few of those things, awhile back, but that was only scratching the surface.)

Because fantasy is true. These things may not have happened in our world, but they have Truth, and I learn things far better when they’re woven into a tale (a parable, perhaps?) than I can reading some boring textbook. I can see the things unfolding and understand things about the characters and wonder about things and want to learn about them. Fantasy may not always teach “facts” like how big the sun is or how many threes make a dozen (though they might teach that too), but they teach me real things about life and about love and about how people work and how to surmount obstacles and to try to be a better person like my heroes (and heroines).

I don’t know if these fantasy authors try to put these things in their works (I know I certainly don’t, but sometimes things creep in somehow), or if they simply are trying to tell a good story and their worldviews are shining through the particular leaf of the Tree of Tales that they are telling and coming out as good wholesome lessons from the Writer of all Lives, but regardless, I’ve found so much Truth in these and other works of fantasy.

And all of that as a bonus to reading simply amazing fantastical stories about fabulous characters in imaginative worlds. What is not to love? Who would have thought it, but Fantasy is fantastic in all meanings of that word, and that is why I love it as I do.

Plus, I mean, Fantasy has dragons. And there’s the icing on the cake.

*passes around the last of the LOTR birthday celebration cake and breaks out Gandalf’s fireworks to celebrate Middle-earth and Fantasy with a literal bang*

(P.S.: If you have a Fantasy/LOTR themed post this week, feel free to share the link in the linky over on Jenelle’s post!)

41 thoughts on “My Life’s Tower of Fantasy

  1. Pingback: Happy 63rd Birthday to The Lord of the Rings! -

  2. This post is long. But that’s not a problem! These topics deserve to have lots of space and long posts devoted to them.

    For me the Hobbit came first, but some of the first books I remember reading for myself are Pooh (which I still read when I’m six, which is between six and twelve times a year on average, so. . . Pooh is good and weathers numerous re-readings), The Princess and the Goblin, and Curdie, and the Prydain Chronicles, and Narnia. There must have been others, but those are the ones I remember best. And with the possible exception of Pooh, they’re all fantasy.

    I could go on, but then the comment would be as long as your post. I should probably just go write a post of my own. My favourite thing is what you said about the epic heroines versus “realistic” ones. This spring I had a teacher who insisted the only right way to do things is show the seamy side of life, with no true heroes, because those are unrealistic (whaaaat??? In the words of the Bulldog, “I object to that remark very strongly.”) and so people won’t believe in them. Also, stories don’t necessarily teach us anything, nor should they, says he. So I’m VERY glad I’m not the only one who likes real heroes and heroines.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, it is long. XD I agree! Sometimes it’s necessary to use a lot of space to talk about topics important to oneself. 🙂

      Yay for the Hobbit! Ooh, yes, I LOVED the Pooh books too! 🙂 They were very early for me as well. 😀 YES, heroes are the best — that’s so weird about your teacher. :-/ Perfect Bulldog quote, yes. XD

      I really enjoyed your post as well! Hurray for having similar thoughts on heroes and heroines!! ❤


  3. I love this post! The idea of the “Tower of Fantasy” is very cool; it’s interesting to hear about the different books that have shaped you. (And I particularly like what you said about how liking different things doesn’t make you a different person.)

    And, for my part, I think you need both types of heroes and heroines. You need the “realistic,” highly flawed characters and you need the Epic Heroes, and most of all you need characters who bridge the two: who start out flawed and mediocre and grow to the Epic Hero or Heroine.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Sarah!! It’s an idea I had recently and decided would make a good post. 🙂 Glad you enjoyed! (And that you liked the thing about different things. :D)

      I personally don’t like it when ALL we get is the flawed characters because then where will one get their heroism? But yes, the ones who grow as characters and learn through the stories are great characters too. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ok, yes, having ONLY the severely flawed characters is a problem. I think the ideal is really a mix? Some flawed characters, some Heroes, some in between. That said, depending on the TYPE of flawed characters, it can work. If everyone’s a mess and wallowing in their messiness, yes, it’s a problem. But if everyone’s a mess but they’re doing their best to do the right thing and be heroes anyway, it can work, with the right author. Each to their own, though.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. :O :O :O
    This…this may be my most favorite Celti post in existence. And one of my favorite posts from ANYBODY. PERIOD. I just…WHERE DO I EVEN START???? I LOVED THIS SO MUCH. I just want to copy and paste the whole thing and say THISSSSS. Because, well, THISSSSS.

    Your Tower of Fantasy is just…one of the most brilliant things I’ve ever seen. O_O The way you stacked them and described them as stepping stones for you life. YES, YES, YESSS. It seems like we were recently talking about this, and I couldn’t agree more! Books just DO that. My biggest ones are The Hobbit/LotR (obviously), the Dragons in Our Midst books, and Howl’s Moving Castle. Also, weirdly, the Betsy-Tacy books (I know, not fantasy books! o.O). But they came even before Tolkien entered my life and kind of made me realize how MUCH I love reading and creating stories. So they were one of my first stepping stones. BUT ANYWAYS. ALL OF THIS IS BRILLIANT.

    I tooootally understand that feeling of “disloyalty” to your first loves. I do that! For the past few years my tastes have been…changing, or maybe just broadening. I’ve discovered that I don’t just want standard medieval fantasy like I used to. I want unique, weird books. I even sometimes want a dystopian or something just…DIFFERENT. And I think, “But that’s not ME.” And I realize, I still adore medieval fantasy to my very core. It will always, always feel like home. But, like you said, we can love BOTH. It’s not being disloyal to one, it’s just making even more room in your heart for more things to love, and that’s good! I just really loved what you said about all that, because I’ve struggled with the exact same thing for years now! #ActualTwins

    “If your favorite characters are mediocre, you’ll only want to be mediocre, you’ll only believe that’s how far you can go.
    If, on the other hand, your favorite characters are noble and epic and extraordinary, then you’ll want to rise above your ordinary and mediocre, fallen and flawed life, and try to emulate them, to BE them; and these fictional characters who aren’t “real” can change your life and make you a better person. All by being fantastic characters. What’s not to love?” <–THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. When I read that I just wanted to scream and reach through the computer and high-five you. SO. MUCH. YES. These are my exact thoughts! I've always said that I want heroes TO LOOK UP TO. Not heroes that make me roll my eyes at how immoral they are. THAT'S NOT A HERO. They supposed to be role models! Yes, make them real people, but don't make them someone we wouldn't want to aspire to be. We should have someone who motivates us to do better, to be better people. That's kind of the POINT of stories. To inspire us! I'm soooo tired of these mediocre, immoral heroes. Especially if they STAY mediocre and immoral and don't grow. Why is that the protagonists we get all the time now? The world is messed up enough without giving us heroes that glorify immorality. I just don't get it. But I could go on and on and ON (it's actually something I've been wanting to post about for…a long time, lol). But again I'll just point to your words and say THIS. Because you put it PERFECTLY. Thank you for saying something. It needed to be said!

    And then CELTI. All the things you said at the end, about fantasy and how it's shaped you and taught your truths. *clutches heart* I just want to hug ALL your words and print them out and keep them in my pocket forever. They were so gorgeous and just YESSSS. Fantasy has been the exact same for me. It's so meaningful and deep and has taught me far, far, FAR more than textbooks ever tried to.

    "Fantasy may not always teach “facts” like how big the sun is or how many threes make a dozen (though they might teach that too), but they teach me real things about life and about love and about how people work and how to surmount obstacles and to try to be a better person like my heroes (and heroines)." <—-YES. Again, my exact thoughts! Fantasy has helped us learn how to LIVE, and that's so much more important than knowing random trivia or what have you.


    GAH. This comment is probably my largest one ever. o.o And I think there was sooo much more I wanted to say, but I need to stop! Just just just THIS IS THE BEST POST EVER. THANK YOU FOR THIS AMAZINGNESS!!!! I want to read it again and again and again. It's so perfect! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • EEEEP YOUR COMMENT MADE MY DAY! Thank youuu!! ^_^ That… that is so flattering you liked it so much! I’m so glad! 😀 *hugs your whole comment*

      Stepping stones for our lives — YES, that exactly my thought, and you put it in great words! 😀 Hurray for LOTR/HMC, and I’m not surprised DiOM is one of yours. 😉 And that’s so cool about Betsy-Tacy too! I didn’t know that! 🙂 I actually have the first one and should read it… And also, I think I have some non-fantasy ones (or at least one or two?) as well, but was just talking about Fantasy ones in this post. 😀

      I KNOW. I’ve felt rather different/disloyal trying different genres, but it’s just branching out, sooo… Yeah. It’s a struggle. XD Love your thoughts on it too!

      *high-fives* YES, hurray for role model heroes and heroines! 🙂 The world doesn’t want role models anymore and people love having mediocre ones and I just don’t like that. I would love a post about it from you! 😀

      D’aww! I’m so glad you liked that! Fantasy can just teach us SO much, and I’m so glad you agree!! ^_^ Learning how to live is important! 😉

      DRAGONSSSSS, precious.

      I love your long comment! Thanks, Lauri! ^_^ I’m so so glad you enjoyed it!! ❤


      • Well, I was going to write my own comment… but Christine pretty much said everything I was going to say… so… go read her comment again. LOL 🙂 Especially the part about needing heroes/heroines to look up to. I’ve always said that one of the main things a story needs for me to love it is “someone to root for.” Now, maybe that someone starts out like Taran of Caer Dalben or Luke Skywalker… kinda whiny and immature… but the reason I love them is because they don’t STAY that way, and they don’t even WANT to stay that way. When given the chance to grow up, to shoulder responsibility, to be MORE… they take it. If every character just stays at the bottom of the mountain whining about it being in the way… that story is gonna lose my attention real fast. I want to go on the adventure with the heroes who CLIMB the mountains. It’s okay with me if they falter here and there… but on the whole, I prefer reading (and writing) characters who spend more time getting up after getting hit, and pressing on in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds, than the kind who are terribly flawed and never seem to notice or care that they have some improving to do. That is why Luke will always be more compelling than Young Anakin. Why the story Darth Vader’s redemption will always be more compelling than Anakin’s Fall. To me, at least. Because it’s like Sam said: “There’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it’s worth fighting for.” That is what I want to see in my heroes.

        Okay, I guess I had some of my own things to add. But seriously, Deborah, this post was AMAZING. So much of it resonated with my own experience. The titles may be slightly different, but my own Tower has come together in much the same sort of way.

        “Because fantasy is true. These things may not have happened in our world, but they have Truth, and I learn things far better when they’re woven into a tale (a parable, perhaps?) than I can reading some boring textbook. I can see the things unfolding and understand things about the characters and wonder about things and want to learn about them. Fantasy may not always teach “facts” like how big the sun is or how many threes make a dozen (though they might teach that too), but they teach me real things about life and about love and about how people work and how to surmount obstacles and to try to be a better person like my heroes (and heroines).” <—— EVERY SINGLE WORD. Just…. *standing ovation* You know how I feel about fantasy, so it may not surprise you that I completely agree with this, but I offer you a high-five through my computer screen. 🙂

        And Dragons. Because: Always Dragons. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        • Jenelle,
          So, your comment made me happy. XD And Christine and you and I seem to be kindred souls, often, which also makes me happy. 😉

          YES to heroes and heroines! And yes, sometimes they start like Taran and end up like later-Taran — as long as there’s growth going on, I suppose. 😛 I agree Luke’s story is better than Anikin’s. XD I was just thinking about how Luke was basically willing to let the Emperor zap him to death before he’d turn to the dark side, AND I LOVE THAT HEROISM AND DEDICATION TO GOOD. ❤

          Thank you so much!!! I'm so glad you liked the post!

          Hurray for all the fantasy! *high-fives you back* Finding people who agree about fantasy is one of the best things! ^_^

          (Of course dragons. 😉 )


    • :O i love that! YES! Plus I just love the moon in stories. 😀 (As long as it doesn’t turn out like the REAL Minas Ithil, because I don’t want it becoming Minas Morgul. XD) Excellent notion, thanks! 🙂


  5. Pingback: Heroes do exist | Of Dreams and Swords

  6. *accepts cake* This poooost!!!! It makes me think so much of the pivotal moments in my reading history (not necessarily just fantasy, but overall). I like how you explained it in different stages. I find it hard to point to books that are those “new stages” in my own reading history, but I know for a fact that The Lord of the Rings was one of those. Such a great post! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  7. THIS POOOOOOOST. Deborah, this is AMAZING. I love how you used the metaphor of a tower! So cool! It makes me think of all the books that have shaped me as a person. How fantasy has played such a large role in my life, making me into the person I am! (Hmm…I think I have a new post idea… 😀 ) This was so fun to read, thank you for sharing!! ^_^ Oh, and delicious cake, by the way. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Eep, THANK YOU, Madeline! 🙂 Makes me so happy that you enjoyed it! Hurray for fantasy! I’d love to see a post about your formative books — that would be fun! (Haha, glad you enjoyed the virtual cake too. ;)) Thanks for your lovely comment!


  8. *eats LotRs birthday cake* I can’t write a coherent comment until the cake has been consumed (also, accidental alliteration for the win! <—O_O Twice in a row!)
    I love the idea of a book tower showing off your reading journey! Now that I think of it, my reading has gone in phases, too. At least, it used to. It's been awhile since I read something truly favorite-worthy.
    I liked what you said about having favorites, too. You can absolutely have more than one and not be disloyal to your other favorites! Same with genre. And you're right: all those different phases of favorites build upon each other and make you into the person you are today. That's why I'm a jumbled mismatch of Sherlock Holmes, hiking, Jane Austen, Lord of the Rings, Christian music, sitting by the ocean underneath the sun, Diana Wynne Jones, P.G. Wodehouse, opera, middle grade novels, 70s rock, The Beatles, blogging, Frasier, studying, writing, Star Trek, playing piano… and the list goes ever on and on. They've all been phases I've gone through, and I still enjoy them all. Now I'm realizing that as much as I want to be a pompous, cultured swine who only listens to classical music and reads classics, I can't be, because I really enjoy pop culture, too. That doesn't make me low and uncultured; it just makes me Abbey.
    Anyway, I enjoyed reading your thoughts!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yay for virtual cake and alliteration! 😀 (That’s the best! :P)

      Yes, sometimes it takes awhile between favorites to find new things, especially as time goes on and we’ve read all the good books, seemingly. XD

      Glad you enjoyed that! We’re totally a mix of all our favorite things and phases — love how you said that — and it’s wonderful. 🙂 Your “jumbled mismatch” list makes me happy because I like a lot of those things too! And yes, it all makes you YOU and that’s the best!! 😀

      Thank you! I enjoyed reading your thoughts too — thanks for sharing them! 🙂


  9. I love this idea so much, Deborah!! And this is making me want to grab some fantasy and just read it for hours and let it fill me spiritually and just…yes. Yes to all of this.

    (Paper Crowns is like the next book on my stack to read, so I’m super excited about that too!)

    Liked by 1 person

  10. This was a treat. So fascinating to see your growth as a reader and how your enjoyment and love of fantasy has blossomed over the years.

    I’m especially encouraged to hear that one of the things you enjoy about the books you love is the heroic examples their characters provide. This is one of the great gifts of fiction, and especially fantasy, the renewing of our vision of what is right and good and what we should be aiming for.

    I’ve written several posts myself that this one reminded me of, so reading this was very much a “What? You too? I thought I was the only one.” experience as well.

    Thank you for your always encouraging posts, Deborah. Keep building that tower.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much, DJ! Makes me so happy to hear you enjoyed it. 🙂

      YES, heroic characters are some of my favorites, and I totally agree it’s important!

      I remember reading several fantasy-related posts of your own that gave me that “What? You too?” feeling, so that’s fantastic (no pun intended. ;)) that you feel the same way! Hurray for kindred-soul fantasy ideas to share! 🙂

      Your comment made me so happy. THANKS!! 😀


  11. Fantasy means so much to me. C.S. Lewis is one of those authors I feel like I click with. I get him and I feel like if I knew him in person I could talk with him for hours.

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  12. Pingback: July 2017 Month in Review – True and Pure

  13. Pingback: Junely Ishness + Snippets + Hiatus | The Road of a Writer

  14. I love this post so much–all of it, but especially the part about Epic Heroines. SO well-written. I feel the same way about male characters. I think the whole debate comes down to our worldviews. If there’s nothing beyond this world–no God, no heaven, no final victory over evil–then it makes sense to bash “idealistic” characters because those ideals don’t exist in a godless universe of cruel, random chance. But we don’t believe that. We know the ideal does exist, primarily in Jesus Christ but also in people who allow themselves to be changed day by day into His likeness. So since He gives us a standard worth striving for and the promise of a realm where every tear is wiped away, why shouldn’t we write stories that glorify that ideal and point people towards it?

    Aaand I basically rewrote my own Tolkien post in a comment on your post. Sorry. 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much Kyle! 😀 I’m so glad you agree!!

      And… yes, yes, yes and yes. <–Pretty much my response to your comment because YES, I totally agree!

      No apologies necessary! XD I loved your post AND your comment and people never have to apologize to me for being awesome and likeminded! 😉

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  15. Pingback: Blogoversary (4 Years!) + Giveaway! | The Road of a Writer

  16. Pingback: The Most un-Bleak House in All of Literature {Classic/Character Analysis} – Proud & Prejudiced Book Thieves

  17. Pingback: Fantasy Favorites Tag! | The Road of a Writer

  18. Pingback: The Fatal Tree by Stephen R. Lawhead (Bright Empires Series) | The Page Dreamer

  19. I know that this is a late comment but I want to thank you for inspiring me to reread “Howl’s Moving Castle”. I have read Diana Wynne Jones’s other books but you inspired me to read the first book I read by her.

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