The Wisteria Writer Tag


Grace @ True and Pure tagged me for The Wisteria Writer Tag! Thanks, Grace! 🙂

Since there were ten questions she answered, and then she made ten new questions… I’m adding a few of the questions she answered because I wanted to answer them too. 🙂

I’m also not tagging anyone, but feel free to consider yourself tagged if you’d like to do it! Just let me know if you do so I can read your post. ^_^

Speaking of posts… would you lookit that. This is my 175th post. *confetti* Go me. XD

ALSO! If you haven’t voted in the Silmarillion Awards yet, do scurry on over there and vote by the end of July 14th! Your favorite fantasy characters need your vote!! 🙂

Okay. Now on to The Wisteria Writer Tag…

The Rules

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  • Answer the ten questions asked.
  • Add ten (writing or book related) of your own.
  • Nominate ten people.

The Questions

  1. What do you use to document inspiration and ideas?
  2. Can you share a snippet of one of your current pieces of writing?
  3. What authors or books inspire you?
  4. What is the first story that you ever completed?
  5. What story (short story or novel) do you consider your best work so far?
  6. Do you outline your novels before you start writing, and if so, how?
  7. Who is your favorite character that you created?
  8. What style of prose are you best at writing (description, dialogue, action, etc.)?
  9. What is the first thing you do when you start revising a piece of work?
  10. When do you write (in the morning, after lunch, before bed, etc.)?
  11. Where do you write (on your bed, at your desk, etc.)?
  12. What is your favorite music to listen to while you write?
  13. What writing advice do you want to give yourself?

What do you use to document inspiration and ideas?

For several years now, I’ve been keeping a series of writing notebooks/journals. I have one each year, either a nice journal or notebook, which I label for that year, and all my random ideas and a lot of my plotting goes in there. I do have folders and files on my laptop where I keep track of bigger things for specific stories sometimes, and my actual-writing mostly happens on the computer as well, but as far as inspiration and ideas, most of it goes in my notebooks. …I really should go back through them for ideas.

Can you share a snippet of one of your current pieces of writing?

Here’s a snatch of later on in The Other Half of Everything:

Having gotten free of Ivan, Teague folded his arms, turned away, and stood staring at a wall. Lulin scurried to fetch first-aid supplies to clean Ivan up. I hovered anxiously, flickering nervous glances between the brothers.

“Dinner,” Teague proclaimed shortly, pointing me toward the kitchen.

Normally I would have been annoyed. Not today. Gratefully, I fled back to my soup.


What authors or books inspire you?

Diana Wynne Jones, Lloyd Alexander, George MacDonald, Mirriam Neal. Also Tolkien because we’re kindred souls.

What is the first story that you ever completed?

QLcoverQuest for a Legend, which was then book #4 in my Starrellian Saga. …Which is now in a complicated position what with me reworking the whole series. (No, the three small “stories” I wrote when I was maybe 10 or so that were 500 words, 900 words, and 1400 words, respectively, which we do not talk about, do not count. *cough*)

What story (short story or novel) do you consider your best work so far?

Whoa. This is a really interesting question! It’s complicated because my opinion of my finished stories change over time… So at the moment, I’d say Darkling Reflections, my 11,000 word mystery/romance story. Which is odd considering it’s the only thing like it that I’ve written and I’ll probably write nothing like it ever again. It’s not even fantasy, precisely… But it’s my favorite right now, since with most of my other things, I feel like they need a bit of work to be perfect… 😉

Do you outline your novels before you start writing, and if so, how?

I usually do, but it depends. I tend to have at least a rough idea of the story, but I prefer to outline it pretty well. It doesn’t always happen though, and sometimes I just start writing. XD As for how… it changes so much from story to story that I’m slightly at a loss for what to say on that subject. I like to have a “blurb” sort of summary, and if possible a rough list of the main events, at least, and a list of characters. From there it depends.

Who is your favorite character that you created?

*clutches heart* HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME. Ahem. I don’t want to offend anybody. >.> But… yeah… probably Tare. *cough* I can’t help it. I love everyone else too though!! (Also… *twitches at the word “created” since I actually “discover” my stories*)


What style of prose are you best at writing (description, dialogue, action, etc.)?

Wow, I have no idea. O_O Um… mayyybe dialog? I do enjoy that the most, I think. But I don’t know if I’m “better” at writing it than other aspects… I would of course love to be equally skilled in all kinds, if I could be!

What is the first thing you do when you start revising a piece of work?

If it’s something pretty big, I print it and go over it with a pen or highlighter. Usually. Not that I’ve revised a lot of things. >.> If it’s just a smaller thing, I just… I don’t know, read through it and fix typos and make sure it actually makes sense? *shrug* I don’t analyze my revising process much since I don’t always make it that far. 😛

When do you write (in the morning, after lunch, before bed, etc.)?

All over the map. I think I WISH that I wrote in the morning, but that I usually write before bed… and, more likely than not, after I SHOULD be in bed… Ahem. I don’t want to be a night-owl but a lot of my writing tends to happen then.

Where do you write (on your bed, at your desk, etc.)?

At my desk on my preciousss my laptop. Unless I happen to be at a write-in for NaNo, in which case I write at a library or restaurant, or if I am writing in my writing-notebook, notes/plotting/etc., in which case I’m usually on my bed or in my comfy reading chair, or occasionally in a car.

What is your favorite music to listen to while you write?

I don’t always listen to music when I write… but if I do, it’s usually something that is a theme-song of sorts for the story in question, or else instrumental Celtic music, usually.

(If I’m writing The Secret of Kedran’s Wood, I’ll sometimes have this one playing. I listened to Stand in the Rain wayyyy too many times when I was writing Darkling Reflections and have no regrets. XD I sadly don’t have a theme-song for The Other Half of Everything. Which is dreadful because it actually is supposed to have music involved because Meridian is a music-nut like Teague is a word-nut. And yet I don’t have any music I associate with the story. No wonder I’m uninspired. -_-)

(very Meridian) (source)

What writing advice do you want to give yourself?

Don’t be afraid. Just write down the stories. Don’t let fear hold you back from putting those words down. Fear of less-than-perfection and all the rest of it is just a trick to make you not write. So just do it — write the tales on your heart, fearlessly. You can perfect them later. What do you fear? Don’t fear it. The pen is mightier than the sword.

22 thoughts on “The Wisteria Writer Tag

  1. We both did fun tags today. I love it!

    Eep. I just love always getting looks into the inside of your writing. These answers were a blast to read!

    I just adore your writing notebooks and how dedicated you are to them. I can only imagine all the many, many amazing Celti ideas filling those pages. I wish I was dedicated like that. These days if I get an idea I either don’t jot it down at all (ACK) or make a quicky note on my phone. >.> Shameful.

    *devours OHE snippet* WHAT HAPPENED TO IVAN? o.o

    “Also Tolkien because we’re kindred souls.” <– YESH!

    Darkling Reflections was the epitome of AH-MAY-ZING. But so is ALLLL your stuff! EVERYTHING YOU WRITE IS PURE GOLD. *huggles all the Celti stories*

    I think Tare always gets number one priority. It's just a fact. xD
    Also, I LOVE how you said you don't create your stories, you discover them. YES. I never feel like I'm creating anything. I'm the typist–just typing what my stories tell me to!

    Your dialogue is hilarious and wonderful and snappy and witty and just LSDJFLKJDSF. I'd definitely say it's one of your strong suits!

    I don't think I knew Meridian was a music-nut. :O COOL! That totally fits her!

    LOVED the advice you gave. It's so true. Fear can be crippling, but we just gotta stuff it down and WRITE. YES.

    Okay, this comment was all over the place, but I just really loved reading this and had to comment on so many things. I am done now!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yay for fun tags! 😀 D’aww, I’m so glad you enjoy it Lauri! ^_^

      Heehee, it took me quite awhile to get into the habit of actually writing in my notebooks. 😛 I think it’s just a general mindset of “Ooh, writing idea! I must go visit my notebook and tell it all about it!” But it took a few years to get going, so. 😉 Oh, and believe me, there are still OODLES of times I don’t actually write anything down, or, worse, make a minor note to remind myself about it and then months later have NO CLUE what I was talking about. So you’re not alone. XD Also I make notes on my phone too! I just transfer them to my notebook later. 🙂

      UM. THINGS? *shifty eyes* *hides Ivan and whistles innocently*

      WELL WE /ARE/ KINDRED SOULS. XD It’s sometimes almost scary how similar Tolkien and I are. o.o Not that I’m complaining. 😉

      AWK YOU SO SWEET YOU SWEETLING. ^_^ Fank you. I’m glad you like mah stories. 🙂

      Eheh, Tare is trouble like that. 😛

      YAY I’m glad you like my dialog! 😀

      Oh dear. *facepalm* I seem to be failing in my duty if you don’t know Meridian’s all about music. Whoops. 😛

      I was just wondering what advice I needed to hear, so that was the one… YES we must just write the things! 🙂

      *huggles comment* THANK YOU I LOVE YOUR COMMENT. ❤


  2. Yay for night owl writers! My mind works the best at night. XD Getting asked who your favorite character is is so hard. XD I’m surprised you could choose! I couldn’t! It’d great to know a bit more about your writing style. ^ ^

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Tare is the favorite, yes! *ahem* I mean, I’m sure all your other characters will understand and not form an angry mob or anything…*ahem*
    Alsooo, I’m curious to read Darkling Reflections now! Especially since you say it’s unlike anything you normally write. Do you think you’ll publish it?
    I’m a night owl, too, so I’m all for that late night WIP writing! 😀
    These questions are great, I might do this later in the year!

    Liked by 1 person

    • *laughs* You’re just biased because of my last post. 😉 *giggles* Tare’s great though. I just have a really special place in my heart for him. ^_^ The other characters kind of understand this so I’m HOPING that they don’t form an angry mob. XD

      Yep! Darkling Reflections is quite different from my normal stuff, being a short story/contemporary/mystery/sweet romance. My normal stuff is normally fantasy. 😀 I’m glad it intrigues you — thanks! 🙂 I… don’t know about the publishing thing? I might try publishing it someday, I just don’t know… The publishing field is a bit confused right now, so I’m even MORE confused, and it’s just a short story… as well as being totally different from my “usual” stuff so that makes it even trickier. 😛

      I wish I wasn’t, but night owl writing is just so good. XD

      You should, that would be fun! 😀 Thanks, E! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Me? Biased? Never! *looks away* Ahem, anywho, I’ve added this tag to my to-do list! 😀
        If ever you have questions about publishing, feel free to ask me. Self publishing can be a lot simpler than some people think. It might not make a ton of money, but if you wanted to publish some short stories that you could print and share with friends and online buddies, it works great! I recommend using Createspace or IngramSpark. Createspace is more user-friendly, but IngramSpark can get your books into bookstores. 🙂 Just a suggestion if ever you want to try self publishing.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Heehee. 😉 Also yay!
          Thanks for the thoughts. 🙂 I don’t know what I’m doing about publishing yet… it’s a complicated question which I just haven’t decided on yet. I don’t want to jump into it until I’m ready and I may want to explore traditional publishing routes before jumping onto the selfpublishing bandwagon if I decide to that. I just really don’t know yet. 😛 I hadn’t heard of IngramSpark though so thanks for that tip. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh I love love LOVE your last answer SO SO MUCH OMG!!! I wish every writer could have that thumped into their head honestly. 😂 (Okay that sounded violent…but well meaning thumping is what I mean.) You can edit something to make it perfect, but you can’t edit what doesn’t exist!! *nods sagely*
    Also I am a writer of any time of ever. hahha. When I start writing, I usually go ALL DAY. So morning and night are when I get the bulk of things done. 😉
    It’s awesome how flexible you are with your outlining too!! I kind of wish I was a little more flexible. But noooo, my brain demands I have a 10K outline and pinterest boards and character sheets and world building forms and gah. CHILL BRAIN.😂 The writing life can be so odd basically.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Eeep, THANKS CAIT! I’m so glad you like it! 🙂

      I love that you write all day — that’s AWESOME! 😀 I wish I could do that. XD

      Heheh, sometimes I’m flexible with my outlining and sometimes I’m like you, so it depends. XD I TOTALLY understand though, yes, the super-over-obsessed-plotting has to happen sometimes! 😉



  5. So I’m rather late at coming over here to comment, but better late than never, I suppose.

    LOVE THIS. So much yes to Tare, Darkling Reflections, your absolutely fabulous dialogue, and everythiinnnnggg… ❤ Your writing advice at the end is exactly what I need to tell myself now too. Thanks for that!

    Liked by 1 person

    • EEK! 😀 *hugs wonderful Tracey comment* THANK YOU! I’m so glad you like Tare, DR, and my dialog! ^_^ *happy fuzzy feelings* And… I kind of forgot about that advice myself already and needed reminding, so thanks for commenting over here. XD Glad it was helpful too! 🙂


  6. Pingback: Ishness/Hiatus | The Road of a Writer

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